Useful Information

For Mom’s



  When you are pregnant it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. You can increase your chances of having a problem-free pregnancy and a healthy baby by following a few simple guidelines. Get early prenatal care Watch what...

Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding

BREASTFEEDINGBreastfeeding is an art, for some women it happens easily and naturally and for others it may be challenging requiring breastfeeding support and lots of perseverance COMMON QUESTIONS ASKED:HOW OFTEN SHOULD I FEED MY BABY?Babies should be fed on demand....

Post Natal Depression

Post Natal Depression

COULD I POSSIBLY BE EXPERIENCING POST NATAL DEPRESSION? At least one in ten new mothers do have clinical depression and anxiety during pregnancy and in the first year after the birth of a baby. You are not alone and there are steps we can take to get you feeling...

Vaccines during pregnancy

Vaccines during pregnancy

DISEASE CAN YOU BE IMMUNISED DURING PREGNANCY?? Cholera Not recommended, but the risk versus benefit is assessed individually Hepatitis B Not recommended, but the risk versus benefit is assessed individually Measles No Mumps No Pneumococcus Not recommended, but the...

Body changes in pregnancy

Body changes in pregnancy

HAIRYou may find during your pregnancy that your hair becomes thick and shiny or you may be one of the the unlucky ones whose hair becomes limp and may even start to fall out. Not to worry as this is quite normal, but remember to take your omega 3 and 6 during...

For Baby

What is reflux?

What is reflux?

90% of babies vomit after a feed and this is referred to as reflux. Reflux is not an illness and only needs to be treated medically if having an adverse effect on baby.Most babies will do a vomit after a feed or even between feeds. Some will do a posset, a small milk...



 We need immunizations to protect our PRECIOUS BABIES against serious illness that may be fatal. As a parent, you will want to know why vaccinating your child is important. In the past, diseases such as smallpox and polio struck fear into the hearts of parents, as an...

Hints and Tips

Hints and Tips

Winding solution10mls cooled boiled water¼ tsp gripe water6 telement dropsGive the full amount up to twice a day Dry skin or exemaWash baby with epimaxMoisturise with epimax ConstipationPaediatric glycerine suppository5mls of lacson or duphlac syrupIncrease water...

Sleep Time

Sleep Time

How Much Should My Baby Sleep During The Day?The amount of sleep a baby needs differs from baby to baby, and I see far too many new parents stressing over babies sleep routines. The first 2-3 days after birth your baby may be very sleepy and only waking for feeds. Do...

Night time sleeping

Night time sleeping

Lack of sleep for parents in the first few months is one of the most difficult adjustments of parenthood.Getting baby to sleep through the night is normally at the top of parents lists.However we have to be realistic and slowly and gently encourage them to drop their...

Cord Care

Cord Care

After your baby has been delivered his umbilical cord will be cut and a plastic clamp placed about 5cm from the belly button. It then becomes your responsibility to take care in the cleaning of the cord.I suggest using an ear bud dipped in surgical spirts. You need to...



A constipated baby should not be referred to as a baby who has not passed a stool but rather to a baby who is passing hard stools. HOW CAN I HELP MY BABY?If your baby is on formula you try changing him onto a specialized one formulated for constipated babies.Do some...

Baby’s Stools

Baby’s Stools

WHEN WILL MY BABY PASS HIS FIRST STOOL?Baby will do his first poo within the first couple of days after birth.It is a large sticky black stool referred to as meconium.As your breast milk comes in his stool will gradually start changing to be far more runny and yellow...

When should I take my baby to the doctor

When should I take my baby to the doctor

Take your baby to a doctor if: 1.) If baby is under 3 months and gets a temp above 37.82.) If a baby over 3 months has a temp above 37.8 for more than 48 hours3.) If a baby less than 3 months has not fed within 6 hrs. during the day4.) If baby cries for more than 2hrs...